Culture Yth is a space for students in 6th-12th grades to explore, inspect, process, and build up their faith.
The goal of Culture Yth is to have students graduate high school with a deep foundation of faith,

understanding that each student was made on purpose, with purpose and are children of the Lord our God!


WEDNESDAYS - Culture Yth meets every Wednesday night in the Student Center.


Pre-Party at 6:15 pm with basketball, soccer, and more! The service begins at 6:30 pm with worship and a message.


SUNDAYS - CULTURE CLUB - Join others Sundays at 9 am for fun, friends, and growing in faith! The Culture Club room is located in the Kids Center, ground floor.


Afterwards, students attend the  all-church worship service at 10:30 in the Worship Center. 

For any questions, email