Introducing Church Center at City View.
Welcome to Church Center. Customizable and secure, not only does Church Center consolidate all your giving in one place, it will also help you connect with all things City View from your personalized account. (For more information, please scroll down to FAQs.)
All in just 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Set Up Church Center on your phone or laptop
Step 2: Set Up and Confirm Giving
Step 3: Cancel Your Current Giving
Open your phone's text messaging app and text the amount you want to give (e.g., 25) to 84321. For first-time giving, follow the setup link.
Give on Sunday mornings, or mail or bring your gift to the church office, 8404 Phyllis Place / S.D., CA / 92123.
EFECTIVO O CHEQUE - Ofrezca los domingos o en horas de oficina en la iglesia.
Why are we moving to Church Center for giving?
This allows us to streamline the giving process, reduce administrative costs, and provide a single, user-friendly platform for all donations. In short, it greatly helps us to be better stewards of your contributions.
Can I still give by cash or check?
Yes. While we encourage electronic giving, cash and checks can still be dropped off during services or at the church office.
Is it safe to give through Church Center?
Yes, Church Center uses secure, industry-standard encryption to protect your personal and financial information.
Can I use Church Center without instlalling the app?
Yes. You can go directly to our online Church Center webpage at
What happens to my recurring gifts set up on the previous platform?
We will not automatically transfer recurring gifts. You will need to cancel them on the old platform and set up new ones in Church Center.
What else does Church Center do?
Church Center is a full-service app for City View. For starters, it offers online event registration events, access to Life Groups' information, and tracking and documentation of all your giving in one place.
What if I need help setting up or using Church Center?
Our team will provide step-by-step guides and have support available after services or by appointment.
The perspective of giving is a whole-life point of view. In addition to our regular giving, the many life resources with which God has blessed us can be part of the building of his kingdom. Indeed, unlike investments in earthly commodoties, the kingdom treasures are not subject to the physcial elements or earthly decay.
The godly giver considers all their resources. The apostle Paul reminds us that we are urged to offer our whole life up as a "living sacrifice" to God. Do we remember to thank God when there is unexpected financial blessing or a raise of some kind? How about when we are spared enormous expenses? Have we included using our estate to be an ongoing kingdom resource after we die?
Stock Transfer
Sometimes your gift can just make good sense in real time. For example, the transfer of your stocks to City View Church may help reduce capital gains tax and maximize your tax deductible donation. (Please consult with your tax professional or financial advisor to discuss in further detail.)
Here are the steps:
1. Initiate a stock transfer from your brokerage account.
2. Direct the transfer of your stock to the account listed below.
3. Submit an online Stock Transfer Form to notify us of the gift.
We will coordinate the rest and apply the settlement value of the stock to your City View giving statement.
Account Information:
TD Ameritrade
TD DTC #: 0188
7801 Mesquite Bend Dr, Ste 112
Irving, TX 75063-6043
City View Church TD #: 939636627