New friends are always welcome.

If you're newer to City VIew, join us at our next Connect Lunch on Sunday, February 16.  It's a fun, informal time to get to know one another a little better. Free of charge! Meet in the Fellowship Center after the 10:30 service. 

If you have made a decision to follow Christ, the next step is a public declaration of your faith in water baptism.  The next Water Baptism is scheduled for Sunday, February 23,, as part of the 10:30 am service. Sign up here. 

Whether you are new to City View or have been here for years, Growth Track is for you! The 2-part series is designed to help you find your place in your journey of faith.  February 23 & March 2. Sign up here. 

Enjoy a fun evening getaway with your beloved! Spend time in relaxed conversation as you dine with other couples and enjoy a romantic catered dinner together. Free childcare. Click to register.